A Long Dreamed Dream is Finally Complete

Book No1 - What a challenge you were!

Book No1 – What a challenge you were!

Throughout my life I have had many dreams; some I’ve simply held in my heart while faithfully trusting that The Universe would, deliver them to me in Divine Time, which it always has, and for this I am eternally grateful. However some dreams have required a personal input of committed, consistent, physical effort on my part – the Universe alone can only do so much, even though I am and intrinsic part of it – as is every other living being on earth!

One dream I have had for almost 15 years was to complete writing a book. This naturally required disciplined personal input on my part. I began many attempts at manifesting this dream to no avail, until earlier this year. Finally I dreamed it into reality! Finally I made my dream come true!

Until earlier this year I failed to discipline myself to consistently commit to this dream simply because I doubted my ability to offer a book of worth. I knew I had lots of what I considered good ideas, but I wasn’t sure others would view my ideas in the same light. Furthermore, I feared that my writing wasn’t good enough to clearly convey what I felt deep within my heart.

However after finally throwing caution to the wind I gave my first book my full attention. I felt that if I failed to complete it I would have set let myself down beyond compare. I was failing because I saw myself to some degree as a failure because of some long ago similar suggestion that was seeded to me as a child. I wonder how many people throughout the ages have given up on a dream purely because of someone else’s opinion of their ability – far too many I suspect!

Book No 2 - Now it's getting easier.

Book No 2 – Life experiences that helped me grow,

However it is up to each of us to trust our worth and limitless life capability – hence people come our way to suggest otherwise  – they are our indirect guides  – they challenge us in ways that should in effect inspire us to prove them wrong! It took me far too many years to realize this fact, but when I did there was no stopping me – I kept on writing until I had completed five books in total with more outlined.

I love writing. I may not be a great writer but I am a passionate writer and I know how unfulfilled life feels when passion isn’t pursued. So with that in mind let me state that how well my books are received buy others is not my ultimate priority – my priority is to feel fulfilled in life and writing fulfills me; especially when I see my writing projects through to completion. When I put a full-stop at the end of the last paragraph of any blog, article, poem, children’s song or rhyme I feel not only fulfilled but also elated. I think this is happens purely because I have followed the path of my passion through to the end of its present route.

Everything within the eternal scheme of life has a beginning and an end. If we don’t follow our passions through to completion or to their end we feel disheartened and let down and in doing so gradually lose faith in ourselves to be purposeful life achievers.

Will any of my books ever make a best sellers list?    I don’t know and neither do I care. Of course I would like them to

Book No 3 - And the poetry flows.

Book No 3 – And the poetry flows.

be appreciated by others but as I stated earlier that is not my priority. What I do care about is that I keep following my passion and seeing my every goal set within the paths of my passion through to completion. For far too many years in life I let myself down by not believing I had anything of worth to offer life, but life offers me experiences of great learning worth every day so it is my responsibility as a student of life to confidently show life what I have learned through the art of expression in all I do. Unless I do that how can life discern what it is that I have and have not learned and subsequently continue to teach me that which I still have to learn?

I doubt that I will ever learn all  the lessons that life has to offer in one life time, but I do know that life will keep offering me lessons for as long as I live and now I do fully trust myself to continue to be its ardent and confidently expressive student for as long as I live!


Even though I have included the covers of my E-books to illustrate this blog my main purpose in writing it was to simply encourage others always pursue their passions and to never doubt their ability to  be able to successfully complete their every desired goal in life even though their mind may at times tell them it’s beyond their capability.

Book No 4 - I could never forget kids.

Book No 4 – I could never forget kids.

Just because we’ve never done something before, or been trained to do something, or have a diploma that says we can do something does not mean that we cannot accomplish anything that we set our heart and mind to!

We are powerful, limitless, spirited beings here on earth in human form to set our spirits powerfully and passionately free in order to be the limitless beings we were divinely created to be. A mind thought can only ever stop us from reaching our full on earth potential or fulfilling our every on earth dream if we allow it to – a thought is only as powerful as we allow it to be; and a thought that doesn’t serve us can always be changed to a thought that does!

Kerry Guy ©


Book No 5 - Exploring words is a passion of mine so writing this book, which I laughingly call my 'Einstein Moment' was a complete blast from the first word tot eh last!

Book No 5 – Exploring words is a passion of mine so writing this book, which I laughingly call my ‘Einstein Moment’ was a complete blast from the first word to the last!


Please visit my website to discover more about my photography, writing and me!

Please visit my website http://www.kerryguy.com to discover more about my photography, writing and me!

My New Website and E-Books

KerryGuy.com  Home Page

Finally the day has come after much effort on my web developer, Girgis’s part and mine to announce that my new website kerryguy.com is operational! I asked a lot from Girgis with my new design, and I know I caused him a few headaches as some of the operational functions I asked of him he’d never done before, but nonetheless he consistently persevered until he achieved all I asked of him – and more. Thank you Girgis.

Even though my site is finished Girgis Shenouda and I will endeavour to continually improve it – me with the content I offer and Girgis with its performance. We both welcome all suggestions in either of these areas of the site.
I am proud to say that I have complied 5 E-Books, all of differing writing themes and styles, in pdf file to offer for sale from the site. I realize my books aren’t perfectly edited as I edited them myself. Self-editing I have come to realize is extremely difficult for many reasons, but please note that I have done my present best.

Naturally a lot of my photography is included in my books where it serves illustrative purpose. I could no more compile books without my photography than I could sing without a song in my heart. Every one of these books speaks a part of my truth. I enjoyed writing and compiling each of them.
For many years I doubted my ability to complete a book of worth which of course meant that I didn’t but eventually a day came when I knew that I had to change my belief to change my outcome.

Will I ever have a best seller? I don’t know, and quite honestly it really doesn’t matter – what does matters though is that I keep following my passion in the belief that it does incorporate my life purpose.

A huge thank you all  my my Facebook friends for their amazing support during the years I’ve been on Facebook for you are all in some way instrumental in giving me the confidence to be who I now am, doing what I now so passionately do.

Finally in closing I wish to add, that all of my books do tap spiritual awareness for this is how I live my life. At no time can I contain my thoughts in solely restricted logical terms of black and white for in essence both black and white encompass every colour of the rainbow.

E-Books by Kerry Guy

In Love and Appreciation



Happiness – The Ever Present Tune Within.

Happiness - The ever present tune within

Happiness can never be attained by something not now present…

So often people express that this or that not yet in their lives would make them happy – but this is not the case….

Happiness comes from within and is ever present but just like any gifted present we have the choice of unwrapping our gift and utilizing it for not..

 Every emotion including happiness is a choice…

Happy situations do not create happiness…

Happiness creates happy situations…

However, life is as we each and all choose to see it…

I see all emotions as an optional personal choice…

I see myself as being responsible for both my every action and reaction in life…

Therefore with my every chosen thought I feed either inner peace and happiness or inner anxiety and unhappiness…

Of course there are no set wrong or right ways to see life; there is just a myriad of optional choices through which to view life…
Kerry Guy ❤

Does Curiosity Fuel the Never Ending Cycle of Life?

The more I question the more I find to question, and the more I question the more I discover the infinite limitlessness of life possibilities.


Do I have proof or scientific evidence for all I write? – No I don’t.

How then do I dare write about that which can’t be proven? I dare because none of us, not even the greatest scientist in the world can disprove my inspired thoughts. Inspired thoughts come from the formless world of spirit – the eternal humanly inexplicable miracle sourcing base home in which every one of us eternally lives our eternal soul essence of self.

Transforming from formless soul to human form cannot be explained by any scientist. All that is known is that two opposites; a male and a female, must essentially come together as one as a means of fertilizing the miracle of a new human one. We know the physics of conception, but the actual miraculous process that takes place between the two physical ingredients known by humans to miraculously create and germinate a  seed of new life into being to this very day remains a Divinely ordained mystery.

I dare write about that which can’t be proven because I believe in the limitlessness of life; I dare because I believe The Divine fuelled me with curiosity so that I would inquisitively look beyond all I see before my eyes into the infinite realms of limitless possibility contained within the unseen world from which we all came. I dare because I sense that delving into the unknown is an integral part of my life purpose, and in fact everyone’s life purpose. I dare because I feel it is my Divinely Given Right and I share because I sense it is not only my responsibility but is everyone’s responsibility to encourage curiosity within others because it is only by seeking that we can find and the more each and all of us fine and share the greater understanding of life we all have everywhere! Life is a journey not a fixed destination and finally I dare because trust that the journey of life is meant to be as interesting and informative as it possibly can be!


Curiosity creates an interesting and exciting life – Apathy creates a routine and mundane life.




Perhaps Curiosity Does Fuel the Never Ending Cycle of Life!

Everything within the universe is sourced from the energy of Divine intention. Each and every one of us was Divinely conceived by the energy of Divine intent and born into being by the Divine force of the Divine Source, therefore in essence we are each and all Divine beings temporarily housed within human form.

Because The Divine is heavenly celestial perfection so too, in essence are we – it can be no other way – however, how we utilize our Divinity on earth is a matter of free will. Our earthly manifestations are as Divine or Earthly as we intend then to be. Divine manifestations are fuelled with good, or God intention – I consider God and good as being synonymous. Earthly intent in this context is fuelled with man-mind made intent, often called the ego.

Please note that I personally have a problem with the constant use of the word ego as a one-sided negative word. I believe that everything has a dual aspect, I don’t believe ego is an exception to this rule for if it were I would not have the confidence to write and publically speak as I do. I sense that self confidence etc is born of positive ego whereas control and the need to be right is the result of negative ego – Positive EGO Embrace God’s Omnipresence whereas negative ego Edges God Out. I apologise for digressing from the topic at hand but I could not have peacefully continued had I not mentioned my thoughts on the ego. Now back to the topic at hand…..

Enquiring Minds

No-one was born without a soul desire to be born – a desire to learn and grow – a desire to gain greater understanding about all that is! Yes, as strange as it may seem I believe that in our soul reality of formlessness we have one overriding question despite our state of peacefulness, and that question is, ‘What more do I need to humanly experience in order to more soulfully grow?’. I believe in soul formlessness we fully accept and comprehend our limitless infinite reality and eternally seek to learn more in order to be more of what we essentially are which an integral part of Love Divine. I believe that in soul are fully aware that we can only learn more about Divine Love by experiencing more of life, thus we crave to be reborn and experience that which is necessary to enhance our ever expansive soul growth.

By nature humans we are curious beings, and because as is above so is below, my logical mind deduces that its equally as feasible that a soul is equally as curious as a mind. Something has to fuel the never ending cycle of life, so maybe just maybe it is curiosity. Maybe, just maybe that was the Divine intent of curiosity within the Divine scheme of creation – maybe curiosity didn’t kill the cat – maybe curiosity inspired the cat to live again?




Kerry Guy

We Are All, One By One, and As One, as God as it Gets…..

There is no greatest country in the world.

There is no greatest race in the world.

There is no greatest belief system in the world.

There is no greatest person in the world. There is no greatest species in the world. 


Everything and everyone on earth was created equally within the Divine Scheme of Creation! Each and every one of us and each and every country and belief system in the world is an essential integrated irreplaceable part of the world and life as One.

This is Divine Truth; any other concept is simply born of a confused man-mind-made negative egotistical design tainted with the fear of inadequacy. Only the underlying feeling of being inadequate or being less than equal to others incites the need to prove superiority. Trust me, The Divine created us One by One, and All As One completely adequate and equal to live our life purpose which in effect serves the collective life purpose of everyone as one!

We are one worldNo-one on earth is any better than any other. We are all here to serve each other along our individual life purpose paths, and as we do this lovingly and peacefully with admiration and respect for each other  in every walk of life from highway maker to street sweeper ,  house owner to house helper,  President to citizens presiding, and so on and so on,  life as a whole for everyone stays on Divine Life Purpose track.

When this happens life becomes heaven on earth – it becomes its authentic heavenly reality – As is above so is below!

I am sure many people consider me an idealist; that heaven on earth cannot happen – that life on earth is simply a means of proving one’s self as worthy of a place in heaven above after death!  Everyone sees life as they choose to look at it, which in effect means that those who choose a heavenly view of life and act accordingly do in fact live a state of heaven on earth whereas those who see the concept of heaven on earth as being impossible don’t – it’s that simple!

Confusion comes into life view when some see others as less than they – that simply because others were born a certain colour, or into a certain creed of beliefs, or social status that differs from theirs! Heaven has no such separations – heaven  welcomes in all as one in the very same way God created all on earth as one – I repeat; as is above so is below!

Heaven has no compartments based on race, colour or earthly belief system! To see ourselves as better than any other is soul blindness.  To strive to be better than others borders on insanity, for it is to attempt to override Divine design, which of course can never be done!

To strive to be superior is to focus on separation which in itself is a fallacy. We are One Human Race born of One Creator into One spherical home on which we are an integral part of the *never-ending cycle of life; energized by One spherical sun and One spherical moon.   The concept of separation together with individual, national, cultural or religious supremacy is a figment of man-mind-made imagination which is so far removed from the state of heaven that it repeatedly brings the perception of hell into living reality for those who choose to see life this way!

There is no-one any better than me or you in the eyes of God – we each and all are as good and God as it gets! Yes, as individuals we can and should strive to be better today than we were yesterday to achieve our best in all we do, but our best never makes us better than any other! We can all be as good as each other but never any better than each other – this is Divine Truth – this is the Will of God and the Reality of Love.

996636_579004628816059_1996951451_nThe Soul of Humanity is One – It Can Never Be Separated or Undone.


Never Forget that Everyone is an Unfolding Aspect of God.



We Are One

Kerry Guy

Unless We Get 100% Real, We’ll Never 100% Heal


Healing requires Feeling – To heal pain requires acknowledging and feeling pain.

To pretend pain is not there reveals an ultimate lack of self care. 

Honesty is the Key to All Healing.

blog 2

Pretence these days has unfortunately become an excessively used trait throughout society. Countless people use it in their day to day lives rather than telling it like it is for various fear based reasons. People have become so concerned about how others view them that they deny their truth in order to please another rather than be themselves – the self that God created them to be. In doing so they turn themselves into an inferior copy of themselves rather than living as their Divine original self.  To live this way causes inner turmoil and chaotic confusion, and in all honesty no-one want to live this way yet sadly a large percentage of our world does live this way – hence the level of global unrest we are presently experiencing!

Lies cannot heal any situation or Global Illness – only truth can do that! If rather than hurt a patient’s feelings a doctor told a patient that he or she simply had a headache rather than a brain tumor when he or she was fully aware of the patient’s condition the result for the patient would be deathly. The doctor would similarly experience a kind of death for he or she would lose all credibility and very likely, because of the lie told, he or she would lose their license to practice medicine.

Lie telling or deception is what the majority of media and governing bodies do so brilliantly today with their picture painting portrayals of what is happening throughout the world. The media edits newspaper reports, radio and television stories to best serve their financial gain and ratings, while governing bodies edit their speeches to best serve their hold on power.  These lies, untrue word by untrue word, in effect abort and kill the potential healing process that the truth ultimately brings to all life suffering situations.

Lies destroy trust and unfortunately lying has become as common in everyday life for many as is waking up every day! The truth is simple – the truth is clear. Yes the may initially hurt, and yes it may initially be scary but in life hurt and healing go hand in hand, after all if it doesn’t hurt it doesn’t need to heal!

Numerous people it seems fear that telling the truth could be as equally destructive in their lives as a nuclear war!

How has humanity gotten so far off track? When did humans start imagining that it was better to avoid admitting the truth of their wounds than exposing them so that they could be fully healed? It is a known fact that a for a physical wound to completely heal that it must be exposed to air and light – it cannot effectively heal wrapped in protective bandages.

Anyone who has cut their finger and I believe that includes all of us  knows that once we take the bandage off of our finger that it heals more quickly than if it had remained covered. In the openness of light and the freshness of air healing is a natural process that automatically happens!  We all know and trust this healing process so why don’t we trust it with life situations? It is because we falsely imagine that vulnerability depicts us as weak?

If this is the case we the people, and we the media, and we the governing bodies of the world need to think again for vulnerability reflects strength it shows we have the courage to say we are hurting, we need help, and we need healing. It is only by asking for help that help can be given.

In life we are One Divinely Connected Human Race not a group of humans racing independently one by one for individual power and supremacy – God did not create us that way. Human beings are here on earth to serve and support each other. There are times when each and every one of us, and each and every nation needs the help and support from another person or another nation – this is part of the natural infinite flow of giving and receiving.

Honest vulnerability doesn’t leave us open for attack – it invites in help, and there is not one among us who by our God given nature does not find purpose in being of service – we feel good when we help others which is only natural because when we do good deeds we do God deeds, and doing God deeds is the core of everyone’s on earth life purpose – there is no way of escaping this Divine truth.

Recently I have seen so many news and television reports filtering out to the world from Egypt where I live that make me feel I’m watching an over dramatically scripted television show or reading an edited fictional story that I had to write this blog. Words get clipped from, and manipulatively arranged in interviews and scenes that get shown around the world as a means of promoting horror rather than helping healing.

I’m not saying that life has been great here since June 30th because it hasn’t, but it is getting better day by day, however for a complete healing to take place in Egypt or anywhere in the world experiencing a similar situation, a true picture of life must be acknowledged and offered!  I’m very happy to say that many Egyptians are positively getting on with life in a powerful way, but sadly there are also many still hiding away in fear as if keeping a bandage over their fear inflicted wounds afraid to bring them out into the light and air to naturally heal.

Let me add that caution does still need to be taken on the streets in some places and at some times more than other, but these areas and times are well known so to avoid trouble simply avoid these places only; not all of Cairo!  If people feed fear fuelled emotional dis-ease within their lives then dis-ease can’t help but continue and gradually lead to related physical disease.

Fear is the seed of all terrorism not the terrorists themselves, so it is worth noting that those who choose to live in fear do in actual fact unnecessarily terrorize their own lives and in many reflective ways the lives of those close to them.

Media PLEASE start to get real –Trust that Truth has Ultimate Appeal – And citizens get out into life and start to lovingly feel Egypt – it’s the one honest way to lovingly heal Egypt – In Egypt’s present situation we the citizens of Egypt are the spiritual physicians of this blessed land – Egypt’s healing by God is entrusted to our blessed hands!


The quicker humanity lets go of the illusion of evil and fear; the quicker the reality of Love fuelled God Goodness in life will appear.

And so it is!


Lies are fear based and to believe otherwise is lying to the self.


Honesty when spoken from the heart always in all ways heals.

Scripted and edited lies be gone, so that both personal and world healing can openly and honestly flow naturally on.


In Love

– Kerry Guy –

blog 4

blog 3


NB# Words are always fuelled with human intent and so some people deliver honesty brutally hoping to wound another, which they may briefly do; but the real deep lasting wound in this situation is to the one who delivers the wound not to the momentarily wounded.  Thoughtless, brutally honest people inflict a soul penetrating diseased wound deeply into themselves that has the potential to fester and infect their whole being for the rest of their days on earth unless they truthfully admit their error and consequently forgive themselves in order to initiate healing.

My blog focused on Egypt but the same applies to everywhere in the world.  God entrusted life on earth to human beings. The quality of life on earth is up to us. We can live as peacefully or as restlessly as we the people either fearfully or lovingly choose thought by thought, word by word and deed by deed – this I trust to be truth!

World Peace and Unity is Our Prayer

One was born in the east and one was born in the west many years apart, yet life in its infinite wisdom brought them together at exactly the right time to work together as one in service to life – life service is, I believe, an inherent part of everyone’s life purpose.

As soon as they met they were totally at ease with each other, as if they remembered each other and in doing so re-membered a long lost connection of soul, and the more they connected the more they discovered their similarities and parallel life goals. They had both questioned life from an early age seeking answers of their own rather than accepting that which by tradition of any kind was said to be correct. Neither of them believed that something was just so simply because it was said to be so. They each trusted their inner voice and God gifted free will to look beyond that which society told them to see. One had parents show supported this and one had parents who opposed this but nonetheless both still sought and both found their answers which centered them in peace yet often caused others restlessness simply because they challenged  traditionally accepted concepts of every kind.

When these two met it was as if they were looking into a mirror seeing themselves in each other at different ages yet they saw no age difference between them – all they saw were questioning like-minds with almost identical beliefs. Conditioned social mindset traditions bothered both of them, as they each sensed that mindset traditions limited their life potential and ability to live life as they both trusted it should be lived which was in joy not misery; love not fear; faith not doubt; with respect and consideration for mother earth and every form of life on mother earth, not with indifference; to stand for a cause not sit uncomfortably expecting someone else to take a stand on their behalf, and so on!

Finally when these two met they found another who fully understood their understanding of life and in doing so inspired each other to shoot for the stars in all they do in either joint causes or individual career moves. When these two met if was as if they had received heavenly confirmation that they were on the right track toward living the life they had been born to live in order to fulfill their life purpose, and in doing so perhaps help inspire others to do the very same.

Soul Purpose Who are the two I am talking about? One of course is me and the other is Hana Shiha. Egyptians immediately know who Hana is, as she is an extremely well known actress in their homeland and has been for some time.

This blog however is not actually about Hana and me; I simply mention these facts about us as foundational information before I address the topic at hand


Unifying the world as one in peace love and unity is our primary goal. We fully accept that this is a huge goal but further accept that the size of any challenge should not stop us from pursuing it, after all the Ancient Egyptians took hundreds of years to build the pyramids – they weren’t daunted by the challenge and neither are we and we know that we are not alone. We know that many others out their stand with us and that one by one we can each and all as one make the world a more peaceful, loving, united place for everyone. We are each powerful beyond our wildest imaginings. Life is a miracle – we are miraculous beings each with the potential to continually create miracles for as long as we live – unless of course limited man mind made beliefs convince us otherwise.

Last week Hana and I were a part of two healing events in Egypt. Firstly we attended ‘Salam Min Msr – Peace From Egypt’ which welcomed visitors back to Egypt as stars and officials spoke of their perspectives of present life in Egypt while sending messages of peace to fellow Egyptians and the world. Secondly ‘One Night For Humanity’; a unifying event where Christians and Muslims stood together as one in unified spoken voice and song.  Both events held positive messages for everyone everywhere, but first and foremost for Egyptians and Egyptian residents, for unless Egyptians and those living in Egypt trust that life is safe on the streets and live as a unified one it is impossible to effectively convey this message to the world. The healing of any situation begins at the core of the situation and the core of Egypt’s situation is Egyptians and residents of Egypt – to think it is any other way is in fact quite naïve.

The media since January25th 2011 has painted countless bleak pictures of Egypt; many far beyond reality – yes life for a time was not safe on the streets of Egypt but the fact of the matter is that we can only be burned by fire if we place our hands in fire. Every day that we live we choose how to see life and live life. Like always attracts like; this is universal law which in effect means that those who choose to see something to fear repeatedly attract something to fear, and that those who choose to see safety can’t help but be safe, and that those who choose to be angry will always come face to face with anger, while those who choose to be peaceful will always live a peaceful life irrespective of outer surrounding situations. We each and all live the life we choose in accordance with the thoughts we choose.

In so many parts of Egypt life has gone on as it always has, as though nothing had changed except for the devastating element of fear that filtered throughout the land and across the world. Fear is always the real enemy and terrorist of such situations as it prolongs suffering incurred by fear.

Hana and I have often commented that the events around us feel unreal – as if they are a part of a scripted television seriespeace and Unity is our prayer or movie rather than actually happening on the streets.  One night I recall we were on the road in a certain area at the same time a reported demonstration was taking place but we didn’t see it – if it was real we simply drove past it without seeing it!  Neither of us look for trouble, neither of us expect a problem to arise – this is just the way we are. I repeat – I know that we are not alone in our chosen beliefs and lifestyle. In our world, and I’m sure the world of others who choose a similar lifestyle, all is predominantly good and even in those moments when it is less that good we fully realize that life is offering us a life guiding lesson that serves not only our higher good but a way to serve the good of all.

Rather than write about the events we attended I will add links to the photo albums I posted on Facebook and together with a newspaper report from Daily News Egypt.

Peace on Earth can only come together Piece by Piece and We The People of the World are the Pieces.

As long as we stand apart in judgment and non-acceptance of each other’s beliefs peace can never be. God created ONE Human Race – Not competitive humans one by one racing each other for power and supremacy. Those who see separation have forgotten who they in essence are!

Kerry Guy

 I feel is is highly appropriate to before closing to add Hana’s opening words at the One Night For Humanity event both in English and Arabic.

Hana Shiha

In the name of God (One Night for Humanity)
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
We are gathered here today to send a message to all mankind about humanity and unity.
I believe what’s happening to our beloved Egypt is MAN MIND MADE
Man uses handed over beliefs and misconceptions to drive us apart in the name of God. In the name of God man creates massacres; Man seeks power over nations by the idea of fear God and Man uses God’s name to achieve his goals.
I believe we are God’s manifestation of love on earth; love is the key word of creation, we are all one.
Religions are guidelines to humanity to live peacefully on Mother Earth not to drive us apart.
Let go of fear and open your heart to love. Feel our unity as we are one.
God bless Egypt and all of us

بسم الله .. ليلة من اجل الانسانية

احنا مجتمعين هنا أنهاردة عشان نبعت رسالة للإنسانية عن المحبة و الوحدة

اللى بيحصل في بلدنا العظيم من صنع أيد الانسان من القناعات و المفاهيم الغلط اللى بتبعدنا عن بعض بإسم الدين و بيحضرنى قصيدة للشاعر صلاح عبد الله .. مش الممثل ..

القصيدة بتقول :

نفسى بس اعرف يا ربي .. انت واقف ويا مين ..

ويا اصحاب الادان ولا اصحاب الرنين ..

بإسمك انت طبطب القادر على المسكين وحط فى جيبه مال ..

بإسمك انت صاحب السيف هز سيفه وخلا دم الخلق سال ..

بإسمك انت الأمن ياما اتمشى فى بيوت الغلابا وفى الدروب ..

بإسمك انت الخوف خلع كل القلوب واهتدوا بيك ناس حيارى .. وفضلوا غيرهم حيرانين ..

نفسى بس اعرف يا ربي .. انت واقف ويا مين ..

اللى بيعلق صليبه واللى حط فى قورته نجمه واللى طالق لحيته ..

كله بيأكد يا ربي .. انك انت فى ناحيته ..

انت واقف ويا دول و لا واقف ويا دول ولا واقف ويا كل الناس ..

وكل الناس فى حقك غلطانين




Good, Better, Best…

Good, Better, Best; never let it rest until the Good is Better, and the Better’s Best.


Everyone and everything naturally created is naturally good. The Divine Creator only creates that which is good. None of us escape The Creator’s Divine Goodness – We are all Good God Creations. No-one irrespective of colour, race, religion or creed is any better than any other. Anyone who thinks otherwise is sadly in denial about this fundamental truth of life.

Apart from all that which is Divinely Created – because no mortal being; try as he or she might, can improve Divine Perfection – there is no best in life. The Divine, perfectly created every one of us to be the best we can be at birth. Within our birthed perfection is imperfection. Personal imperfection has a specific life purpose; for if it did not the Divine Free Will we were similarly gifted at birth would have no useful life purpose. Purpose is the reason for everything that has been, and will be created into being.

Divine Free Will is the tool which automates life striving – how we use this powerful tool is a matter of Personal Choice.  Intuition and Natural Instincts are also foundational life serving tools. When Intuition, Natural Instinct and Personal Choice are used optimally in harmony with Divine Free Will they form the four ultimate foundational corner stones of personal life creation.

Notice that both Instinct and Intuition begin with ‘In ‘ indicating the necessity of going within to the self to optimally work with Divine Free Will and Personal Choice –  it is only by going within the self that we can truly come to know the self and sense our Divine Goodness and Life Purpose.

Essentially everyone in life is striving to better their inherent goodness in the hope of returning to their heavenly soul best – that which they were before they were birthed into their mind and body new born baby earthly best.

We are all born our baby best.

We are all born our baby best.

Those who do not in life, take time to meet their soul, never get to live their life striving best whole.

Everyone is created equally Good – No-one is any Better than any other – Everyone can daily strive to be Better than they were the day before and reach their present personal Best – but a final Best can never be as long as we humanly be because we can always do better and be better.

Death is not an end of life – it is simply the culmination of earthly best being that perfectly initiates Divine Becoming.

Life always offers more – if it didn’t its allure would end. We should all wake up each day eager to do our Best to Better the Good that we equally are, fully aware that we Better we each become the Better we all Become as One – such is the Divine Equality of Life.

Kerry Guy

People Power

Our world is our home.


Peoples Power fuels our home – one by one and as a collective one.

The purity of the People Power fuel depends upon the purity of people thoughts not God thoughts!

People can pray endlessly if they choose too but ultimately it is personal people thoughts that power life on earth. Good loving thoughts fuel goodness whereas evil or fear fuelled thoughts fuel badness. Prayer does connect people to God, but only the fuel of loving thoughts energizes and maintains a constant God connection.

Love and fear in this regard equal the on/off button of a light switch. Loving thoughts, words and deeds keep  a God goodness connection turned on, while  evil, fear filled thoughts words and deeds immediately turn a God goodness connection off – it’s that simple – no coal or solar powered energy required – just pure, honest, optimum power soul-power instead!

God goodness thought power can create heaven on earth for everyone – it begins one by one until its mass energy affects everyone.  Evil fear filled thought power is equally as effective, except that it has the opposing potential of creating hell on earth for individuals one by one until it also has a negative hellish effect on everyone it touches.

People power is quite democratic – the mass energy input decides the final energy output.

The Creator most certainly did create our universe and all that is housed within it but in doing so, He, She, It or The One simply supplied a vehicle for humanity to fuel, chart and drive.  All life routes are basically mapped, fuelled and chartered by the thoughts of humanity.

Of course there are times when Acts of God give humanity a wake-up call, but sadly they only wake up those who are ready to wake up!

Basically all I am trying to say here, because of so much unrest throughout our world today is that positive change in any country of the world depends entirely on positive change within its people. Remember that indifference leads to nothing different – if we want to see a different world then we have to think in a new way – after all,  the same thoughts always lead to the same results!

Until people change countries don’t.


It’s time to recognise the simple truth that Me and We are purely reflections of each other

Kerry Guy

#Please note that I constantly consider God to be Love, not an entity to fear. The only thing I believe any of us ever have to fear in life is the illusion of fear we each, or all as one think into our living reality.

Adults Present Struggles Can Become Children’s Future Struggles

In  Nature Kids Naturally Live the Peace of Being 


As adults most of us are aware of the life serving worth and inner joy gifted to us by observing regular moments of silence and stillness; yet still today my personal observations show me that the majority of parents, grandparents and child carers alike are overlooking undeniable fact in the upbringing of children.

I still see it being far more common more for parents and other carers by way of reward, and the accompanied suggestion of pleasure predominantly taking children to busy noisy place rather than into the still wonder of nature and the self.

How many adults today because of the mind made conditioned beliefs of joy  and pleasures  outer reality struggle to find their God Gifted Inner Peace, – I believe far too many!


If I had been given 10 cents every  an adult asked me how to still there, mind, or to meditate, or to find joy in  nature, or feel at peace in the midst of our outwardly troubled world I would have a very substantial bank account by now.

Our present struggles become our children’s future struggles – It’s up to us to help ease that burden not created and even larger one.


Peace is a personal pathway.  No-one can create a pathway of personal peace for any other but everyone can help make another aware of the presence of inner presence of peace which resides at the centered core of every living being – especially our children included.

Have you ever noticed a still baby silently gazing at the wonder of life? Have you ever noticed its peaceful cooing sounds that accompany these special moments together with the added light of amazement that shines from its eyes? I believe that the light and sound in these moments is born from what a baby feels within – not from that which it observes outside of itself.


We adults one and all are all children’s role models; some of us more directly that others – I am simply asking in these words, what lifestyle are we as role models exemplifying and teaching our children our children.

Maybe, just maybe the nest time any of us consider a day at the movies devoid of sunlight, or crowned indoor café under fluorescent lighting, or a noisy fun park as being the most beneficial reward our children, maybe we should think again!


Those who meet silence converse with the voice of eternity.
Those who are still feel life purposefully move them.
Those who know nature believe in life’s natural magic.

Kerry Guy