Quality of life and life appreciation are sourced from the within the mind!



When health is good and spirits are high

To life there is no desire to say goodbye

But when health wavers and spirits are low

Joy is lost for this on living earth show

High spirits can only be self-achieved

Irrespective of what by some is believed

No one person can raise the spirit of any other

Nor can they make them feel equal to every other

Those in high spirits take care of their emotional and physical health

Trusting that balanced mind and body health of is ultimate life wealth

When health is good an spirits are high

Its easy to dream and live with desire

But when spirits are low and health wavers

Joy for live isn’t easily accessed or favoured

Mind thoughts are generally the self-inflicted pointless reason

That some don’t live a healthy high spirited life reality season

Often many human cravings based on a monetary material need

Can effectively kill ones high spirits and health with steady speed

Quality of life and life appreciation are sourced from the within the mind

It’s only through thoughts that the pathway to inner peace any of us can ever hope to find

Those who think that joy for life can be sourced any differently will always by life feel let down

And walk through life more often than now wearing an disheartened wrinkled frown.

Kerry Guy ❤




I’m really sorry to mention this as I try to avoid such topics for I don’t want to fuel them with any further negative energy BUT today I can not remain silent and peacefully get on with my day….

We all know the worth of accepting our fellowman…

We are all created equal by One and ONLY One Creator….

SURELY People can’t deny this!!!!!

So when I see and hear of people being denied in any way by their fellowman because of their religion – which I might add – most are born into -I am deeply saddened especially as so many voice that this is not how they think but when called upon to prove this with action they cannot  back up their words…..

Oh dear, how little some journeyed forward on the path of Enlightenment….




In Love
Kerry Guy



Repeatedly I’m asked what it exactly is that I do.

Often I reply – for want of a better expression, for I’m not sure that there is such a thing– I’m a Spiritual Psychologist!

However, very simply put I’m a person who helps people to help themselves.

None of my Group Workshops, Private Energy Reading or Healing Sessions alone can ever heal anyone.

But what my every workshop or private session do offer everyone is new approaches to life.

No-one ever seeks me out or comes to hear my words if they aren’t seeking a new more rewarding approach to life.

New life approaches require a new thoughts and that’s where I come it.

I help open doorways of new thought within all those I meet.

If your thoughts are stuck your life will also be stuck.

Your mind thoughts may try to convince you that you are open to the new ideas but you energy will reveal to me whether or not this is true.

Energy does not lie no matter how hard we may try to disguise it.

No- I am not a healer – I am merely someone who introduces others to their own healing ability.

No-one can heal the wounded emotions of the self but the self!

Festering emotional wounds causes emotional dis-ease which if left untreated will eventually lead to the manifestation of a correlated physical disease.

Healing emotional pain is a sure way to either healing or avoiding physical pain.


Kerry Guy ©




Thoughtless or Thoughtful -These are two foundational thought options continually available to everyone in regard to serving life.

Being Thoughtless lessens the value of life not only for the self but also indirectly for everyone else and everything else.

Being Thoughtful on the other hand increases the value of life not only for the self, everyone and everything else.

Every thought we think causes either a positive or negative effect directly on our personal lives, and indirectly on the lives of every other and on life in general.

Thoughts either help to build a stairway to heaven on earth or dig a tunnel to hell on earth.

It’s that simple – as simple as black and white, day and night or wrong and right!

Our thoughts consistently either fertilize life or pollute life – which virtually means that we are either positive energy life givers or negative energy life takers – we are always either adding life to life or taking life from life.

Thoughts have the power to either Negatively Kill-off Present Life or Positively Sustain Present Life in the process of Creating Positive New Life.

Our thoughts are always creating either life or death situations.

This is what I think……


Negative life killers or positive life creators is what we each and all thought by thought be
Our every thought has a high or low value frequency that to life we energetically set free
Because of this we are all either Thoughtless Life Saboteurs or Thoughtful Life Saviours
Our mind powered thoughts produce immediate positive or negative effective life flavours
What we each think day by day and moment by moment as we live and be
Either increases or lessens  life on earth’s overall living standard and quality
Thought effect in life is something we all should take time to regularly consider and address
Because thought quality decides whether or not  life is lived to the full or is a mere existence of  less….


Kerry Guy ©



Sadly over time because of a steady influx of fear based energy into humanity’s psyche it’s become essential to have our homes secure…..

The need for strong impenetrable locks always accompanies the possibility of loss….

As the economic climate of the world firstly grew way out of balance and now is steadily weakening the combined climates of greed and lack are strengthening…..

Some fearfully try to lock up that which they have while others fearfully try to break these locks in order to take that which they fear will not be supplied in their lives!

That’s the locked issue of our monetary and material world….

Even more sadly there is a locked and unlocked Love perspective among much of humanity….

Those who feel insecure within themselves try to secure the love of others to them….

Personal insecurity is born from lack of self-love….

Lack of self-love is born from a lack of love understanding….

When we understand love we immediately realise that we are in fact love and in this knowledge feel totally secure with who we are at any given time….

Realising that we are Love is the strongest life foundational understanding we can have….

Knowing that we are LOVE frees us up to love and to be loved in the infinite flow of loves countless life expressions…

Love is the most impenetrable security system any of us can ever have in our lives for it doesn’t lock doors it instead safely and securely opens doors…..


Trust the Love that YOU Are….

Live the Love that YOU Are….

And you will be totally secure with who YOU Are….

And Loved YOU Will Be by All who know you as YOU Are….

Kerry Guy ©

Ordinary People House the Power to do Extraordinary Things!

EveryBody is SomeBody- NoBody is a NoBody and when
NoBodies Collectively come together in joint purpose as the ‘Sum of One Body’
they form an unstoppable collective SumBody-OneBody Force that can in an instant change the course of the world.

It’s the collective NoBodies of the world who house the Amazing Human Power to begin the World Healing so desperately needed to restore our planet to its original healthy life serving state.

It’s the collective NoBodies who house the Collective Human Power to Lovingly and Acceptingly Break Down every present Separating Human Border on Planet Earth.

It’s the Nobodies of the World who choose to see EveryBody as an Equal SomeBody that house the Power to band Humanity together as ONE Family Body on our One Global Home to get Life on Earth back into Divine Order.

Yes, some present ‘Somebodies’ do care for Mother Earth and Humanity as a Collective One – but obviously as yet not enough – for if they did more awareness would be brought to those who are now ignorant about how we as ONE are collectively killing Life on Earth.

Mother Earth Will always survive; Humanity as a living species on Mother Earth however will not if it continues to pollute and disrespect the four natural elements gifted to us to nourish and sustain human survival on earth.

Nor will humanity survive if it keeps showering aggression in the form of indifference and war on others simply because they live different beliefs or social statuses.

God created many species of insects, flowers, trees, birds, animals, and sea creatures all of which cohabitate and serve each other as one collective flora and fauna kingdom. It is only humanity in its mind created disconnection from nature who has disrupted the balance of nature and life on earth.
It is only humanity who can right this wrong and bring balance back to life on earth.

If the majority of recognised ‘Somebodies’ are not presently inspiring the mass of the so called ‘NoBodies’ as how best to do this then the ‘No-Bodies’ must band together as a collective ‘Sum of OneBody’ and lead the way back to a Healthy Unified Global Home which has the ability to sustain not only our lives but the lives of all future generations to come.

The Future of Humanity is In Humanity’s Hands -There are no other hands it can be in.


Human Life is in Human Hands

One by One Humanity Must Come Together as One if the saving of our planet is to be effectively done.

Only Ordinary People House the Power to do Extraordinary Things!

If the present recognised ‘SomeBodies’ on Earth aren’t Inspiring the unrecognised ‘NoBodies’ on Earth to Band together Peacefully and Acceptingly as One and to Care for Each Other and our Precious Planet then we the Nobodies have to take matters into our own hands.

With joint effort and faith we can and we will Heal our Planet, and with joint effort and faith we can and we will restore Peace Love and Unity throughout mankind!

There isn’t AnyBody on earth who is NoBody – EveryBody on Earth is SomeBody – and EveryBody on Earth was Divinely placed here as an Individual Body with a Specific Life Purpose that Serves EveryBody as a part of the Authentic Collective Human OneBody of Humanity!

This is what I truly believe.

Kerry Guy ©

Pollution Be Gone So We Can Carry On……

Kids are born trusting that parents and adults will keep them safe but sadly, environmentally the majority of us are not presently doing that.


Welcome to a Present Day Typical Sunny Cairo Morning

I live in Cairo Egypt so I am centering my illustrative photos focus on Cairo’s present pollution problems but I know that Cairo not alone with this man-made murderous problem so my thoughts and words apply to everyone even if at present your pollution problem is slight, for the effects of polluted air earth and water are essential life serving elements that man-made borders cannot separate.

An Up Close Clear Pyramids View – Some days because of smog distant Pyramid views are impossible

Come On Cairo People We Need Each Take Action in as Many ways as Possible Way to-


 We need to SHOW GOVERNMENTS AND BUSINESSES that we MEAN BUSINESS – and to do that we need to TAKE ACTION proving that we DO MEAN BUSINESS!


Some Cairo Citizens are Making Positive Tidy-up Moves

When we SHOW GOVERNMENTS AND BUSINESSES that WE MEAN BUSINESS by TAKING ACTION, then they WILL make it their business to SUPPORT OUR ACTION because without our support they have no purpose!

The purpose of both GOVERNMENTS and BUSINESSES is to SUPPORT PEOPLE – Without People Support they fall and crumble.

The effort needed for positive transformation is so worth it!

Business supply our needs – We need to show businesses what we need and to do that we have to stop supporting that which we don’t need – and we don’t need any factories or products which are not Environmentally Friendly.

When the people stop supporting that which is wrecking our environment, businesses and governments will have to find new ways to support the people!

How dare any of us use any of our rivers given to us by God to support and nourish our lives as dumping grounds!
Where has respect for life and The Creator gone?


No Environment – No Business for anyone – No-one to Govern!

And so it is!

For our every problem that surrounds us there is a solution – We simply have to find it instead of dismissing it as the responsibility of another – We can’t wait for others to find it for us! That which is in our direct environment is our direct responsibility!
*ONE by ONE We Can make Life Better for Everyone*


The time is NOW for each of us individually and communally the show Businesses and Governments that LIFE COUNTS – MONEY DOESN’T.

Sure we can count money but money alone does not saves lives.
For money to be of benefit in our lives must be used in collective healthy ways – not in individual greedy ways.

The Creator – however we choose to see Him/Her, and by whatever name we choose to call Him/Her – God – Allah – Jehovah did NOT create life without enough to supply our every need in a healthy unpolluted atmosphere!

Yes, we may have to do a little more physical work than we presently do but we will have a lot more energy and enthusiasm for to do that work than we presently have, and we live a lot longer and healthier, and we will build a healthy safe environment for our future and future generations.

Why do Cairo citizens have to escape the the Red Sea or Desert for clean air?

Come on schools please help by creating Environmentally Friendly projects for students.

Help them help the world – SHOW THEM – TEACH THEM – forget about money for a while focus on life, for without life there is no need of schools either!

PARENTS, SCHOOLS, BUSINESSES, GOVERNMENTS, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT Kids are the HOPE of the FUTURE – Let’s SUPPORT and Finance this HOPE by showing them how to productively live Hope so the HUMAN LIFE on earth WILL CONTINUE.

Smog of this magnitude does not create healthy living!


Let me repeat that kids are born trusting that parents and adults will keeps them safe but sadly, environmentally the majority of us are not presently doing that.


Cairo People this Graph Says it All. Enlarge it to see Cairo’s appalling pollution level!



#I could not end this blog without mentioning the detrimental affects pollution has on Health and Well-Being#

Air pollution does affects our well-being.

Pollution puts our health and fitness at stake.

Pollutants affect people in various ways and levels.

Scientists nowadays have discovered a definite relationship between respiratory diseases and air pollution.


 Exposure to ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO smoke causes many brutal respiratory well-being troubles such as asthma and lung disease cause from  pesticides.

Prolonging exposure to certain air pollutants can even touch creature INFERTILITY according to topical remedial researches on air pollution.

Minor Respiratory Pollution Related Diseases are-THE COMMON COLD, accompanied with symptoms such as SORE THROATS -CONGESTION – RUNNY NOSE – COUGH – IRRITATION OF EYES.

Pollution Related Respiratory Infections – BRONCHITIS – PNEUMONIA, caused by viruses or bacteria. COUGH characterized them, FEVER – CHILLS – DIFFICULTY BREATHING.

Sensitivity to pollutant can Cause Coronary (Heart) Disease.

There are many sites on the internet to research in regard to the affects of pollution on health fitness and well being.

Presently living in the wonderful city of Cairo is not healthy but we have the power because we are the power that has the ability to reverse this unhealthy situation.

Clean Air Earth and Water Equals Healthy Living

Step by Step – Power Play by Power Play – We Can Bring Cairo Back into the Clear Full Sun Light of Day!

“I respects and applaud everyone who is presently doing their best to end Cairo’s horrendous pollution problem.”

Kerry Guy ©

Related Links of Interest




Now is Our Most Powerful Life Moment


Now I am – In Now I will always be.

Now Houses….

         (N) – never-ending

       (O) – opportunity

(W)– windows

Whether we (N) – never-endingly  (O) – open these (W) – windows or leave them closed is a personal thought provoked choice

There are No Greater Life Gifts and Blessings than Those Housed in NOW…

Now gifts never-ending opportunities in which to Learn – Know – Grow…

Now knows No Waiting – No Hesitating- No Procrastinating – No Gestating…

Now fuels Inspiration Invitation – Dream Manifestation – Life Celebration…

NOW Awakens us to Inherent Personal Wisdom….

NOW Births Personal Awareness with Perfect Precision….

To shift primary focus out of Now definitely the self does energetically Now Dis-Empower!!!



Every Season is but a Now Moment

Past and Present are merely time structure frames in life that we need to use….
In order our NOW Power to with life goals and life lessons effectively Infuse….
Neither Past nor Future can take up energy escaping residence in Now Presence….
Unless of course they are welcomed into Now to take up energy leaking residence…..

Kerry Guy ©

Now Power Peacefully Awakens Inner Personal Power

It Matters Not What We Create But That We Do Create.

We are All Spiritual Beings Each Having a Human Experience

We are creations who thrive when we create.

Every one of us is an equal expression of Mind Body and Spirit.

To live a balanced fulfilling life requires acknowledging and balancing these three aspects of the self.

Confusion and lack of life direction and life purpose become the way of life for those who lose touch with their spirit in the false belief that they

It’s not fun to feel lost and alone

are simply a mind and body. This two part belief disconnects people from their third and eternal aspect of self which is their spiritual essence.
When people lose touch with their essence of spirit which is their eternal essence –they similarly lose touch with their God essence as they live their human experience. To live life disconnected from The Creator’s Energy automatically disconnects us from personal creative energy which immediately diminishes joy for life because it is only through the act of creation that humans thrive.

It matters not what we create but that we do create.

Creation is not just about creating new human life – that alone leads to overpopulation, and many fear based reactions connected to ‘lack’ are birthed in overpopulated situations.  When lack based beliefs arise in life so too do competitive power struggles which in their extreme lead to wars.

Please notice me

Any mother of a more than one child can confirm the sibling rivalry ‘wars’ that begin because of the belief that a mother or father does not have enough love, affection or time to equally offer every child in the family. Often children misbehave simply to grab a parents love and attention – some even become ill – yes the mind is strong enough to create physical illness in order to get the attention it craves.

We are all great creators!  We were each and all created into life to create as we live life. The theme of life is creation. The very first story of life on earth is the Story of Creation. To think the primary them of life is any different is actually quite foolish.

People can satisfyingly and purposefully create in countless ways; and thank God they do or we would be presently living in Stone Age conditions.

In religious teachings we are taught that God commanded it is a human being responsibility to ‘Go Forth and Multiply’ – this ‘command’ does not simply apply to creating more people. I guess this form of creation has become so popular because it is the easiest form of creation on earth – firstly it’s a natural instinct, secondly it’s relatively easy for most people, and thirdly it’s generally an enjoyable non-challenging way to create.

Yet how we all look in awe at some of the fantastic creations now on earth wondering how on earth anyone could have possibly created them! And how we also more often say when we see new fantastic creations in all areas of life that we could never have done that! Well maybe we couldn’t have created exactly ‘that’ but we are all capable of creating much more than more humans; and we should each be encouraged to trust and live this belief.

Some people do create amazing families, others incredible art, new medicine and surgery technique, wonderful fashion designs, knit adorable

Humans house a natural desire to create

baby clothes, cook dishes that delight every palate, design new computer games, create beautiful gardens, take pride in creating clean streets and homes, create new effective teaching methods, writing quotes, poems a stories, make movies, complete jigsaw or crossword puzzles, even making a good cup of tea and there are those who simply create peace, love and happiness wherever they go.  There is a never-ending list of things we can all create when we approach life as Mind Body and Spirit Beings instead of simply Mind and Body beings.

Spirit is the turbo charged energy boost that powers human lives into passion, which in turn engages the process of fulfilling creative life potential.

It matters not what we create but that we do create.


Creation does not need to be big and nor does it need to be acknowledged by the world. Creation simply needs to be performed and appreciated by the self. When the self appreciates and lives its creative ability it experiences an unsurpassed natural spirited high that no artificial stimulant or material possession can ever come close to imitating. It is only when humans don’t tap into their creative ability that feel like ‘losers’ – and the only reason people do not tap into their creative ability is when they have failed to acknowledge and connect with their spiritual aspect of being.

Anyone disconnected from personal spirit is automatically ‘creative life energy’ depleted because essentially they are disconnected from the Divine Spirit of The Creator – Our One Life Source and Our Driving Life Force.

To live life disconnected from The Creator’s Energy is to attempt to live life Disconnected from Life Energy


Confused people rarely experience personal life ‘highs’ – they realize that something is missing from their lives but they are unsure what because they can’t see what’s missing!

Spirit cannot be seen – spirit can only be sensed.

Sensing the reality of our spirit awakens us to the reality of Divine Spirit and our connection to The Divine – commonly call God. Once we become aware of our Divine God Connection we begin to effectively live our spirituality in human form.


Spirituality is not Religion – Religion is a belief in a shared teaching.  Religion’s ultimate purpose is to connect people to God via its belief system – Spirituality however an individual awareness to personal Divine Connection that can be lived within a religion or not. Some spiritual people avoid religions because of the separating factors that some religious leaders and followers apply to their religion. Religion was never intended to be separating. Religions merely offer people the means of optional routes based on similar understandings to God. God doesn’t go anywhere. God is constant but how each human carves his or her pathway to God is an individual choice and none of us have the right to criticize or judge any other chosen path – to do so defines and limits way to connect with God who is infinite and limitless.


A temporary life ‘High’ or an escape from reality?

In today’s world people so many people especially young to middle age people are clearly showing the world how lost confused and alone they feel in life – totally unsure as to why! They are showing the world that they feel life is tough, challenging and unfulfilling through anger and violence born of frustration in acts of self abuse, physical attacks on others, explicit graffiti, angry music, love of violent movies, excessive bad language, and also with excessive drug or alcohol use and more. Once ‘lost’ people reach a certain age where they no longer have the energy to make a noise about their frustration they simply exist is a mind-made world of misery until they pass from this life hoping that they will arrive in a more heavenly state of being with God after death.


To live the human experience of life detached from our eternal essence of spirit equals a triangle attempting to fool the world that it is complete with only two sides. There is no such thing as two sided triangle, and neither is there any such thing as a two dimensional human being.

A two sided figure can never be a triangle


When the human Mind Body and Spirit work in harmony as One, humans individually create Divine Miracles that serve life and everyone under God’s one life serving sun!


To Live Disconnected from Personal Spirit is to Attempt to Live Life Disconnected from Life and from the Creator of Life.  Disconnected from the Divine Creative Energy of Life Humans Lose Connection with their Ability to Create the Life they were Naturally Born to Live – this is when they seek solace in that which in life is unnatural – and this is also why many humans they never feel a sense of belonging in life.

Within the desert of being resides the oasis of soul

Kerry Guy ©

We Derive Our Sense of Belonging from the Root/Base Chakra


Many people throughout the world are presently feeling like they don’t fit in or belong exactly where they are.

All is One

This phenomenon indicates attention needs to be given to the Root Chakra – our Base Chakra.

An open or optimally active Base Chakra powers acceptance, which makes us feel at home irrespective of where we are or what life situation we are facing.

An optimally functioning Root/Base Chakras powers a sense of belonging – the understanding that we are exactly where we are mean to be in any given moment to serve not only our personal Highest Good, but also the Highest Good of All.

The aligned sacred truth of Base/Root Chakra is ‘ALL IS ONE’.  As humanity is ascending into awareness of the ALL IS ONE truth and reality anyone who is not aligned with this truth had best head to their Root Chakra to determine why!

The Root Chakra – our Base Chakra is extremely important because it is the support and foundational Chakra of our entire internal spiritual energy Charka System.

We are Energy in Form

Our Root Charka is of primary importance in our lives and this is why I find working with this Chakra in Self Awareness Workshops and Private Guidance Sessions infinitely fascinating and enlightening.

The Base Chakra excites me and therefore powers me with excitement for life.

I am passionate about helping others recognise and utilize inner power and excitement for life.

Its always best o start at the beginning and The 1st Chakra – The Root/Base Chakra is the place to start.

Kerry Guy ©